Sunday, August 26, 2012

Out of the Ordinary Things to be Remembered Along this Cruise

Have seen so many exquisite homes along the way from Annapolis to the Hamptons to Newport to Maine, but there was one that I really thought was pretty unique, and I seem to remember it was in the water as we motored by in the Blynman Canal (from Gloucester to the other side of Cape Ann, by way of the Annisquam River)……this you must see, even with front porch chairs no less!!

Talk about a water view on ALL sides:)

At times, being confined to the sailboat, it feels good to get off, stretch your legs and explore the unfamiliar territory of a seaport town. After walking this beach in  Jamestown, RI,  I was wanting to “relieve” myself before returning to the boat. This was the first “air conditioned” outhouse I had ever seen, with not only modern “indoor” plumbing but also running water and paper towels!  With the ocean breeze you could almost “air”dry!!  Hopefully everyone makes it to the potty and there isn’t any overflow through the floor joists! How embarrassing would that be!

Notice the toilet bowl plunger/toilet paper? And you actually "push down" on this metal handle off to the side of the tank and it "flushes" on it's own without any "pumping" on my part!! Amazing how life is so different off the sailboat! Oh, but I do remember.........

Underneath this little outhouse is the Town's white sandy beach:) Can't you imagine little kids walking underneath this and looking up? Just's not as private as it may seem............

And here’s an interesting bit of information about the very common bird in this area, the Arctic Tern:

            “A small, slender white bird, the Arctic Tern is well known for its long yearly migration. Its travel from its Arctic breeding grounds to its wintering grounds, off of Antarctica, may cover perhaps 25,000 miles and is the farthest yearly.” We haven't covered anything like that!

Did I mention it was very small? Hard to see up on top of this pole. It has a rather nasally sound to it!  You can't miss their chattering to one another.  Quite often they are paired, especially when they fly down to the water to catch fish and then share their bounty.

And last but not least,  what looks to be, a “plastic” dinghy!!  It was so eye-catching to me that I had to make note of it and add it to this page.  And my favorite color too!

Dinghies are commonly of the  inflatable type with either an inflatable bottom to it, or a hard/rigid bottom. 
Two of my favorite girls coming to visit.......oh, that's right this was earlier this summer...darn!! Sure do miss them!

Then there's the rowboat variety, like here in Martha's Vineyard on it's own mooring ball:)

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