Thursday, July 5, 2012

Coecles Harbor to Block Island, Rhode Island

Yesterday was an extremely quiet 4th of July, but most likely the loveliest as well. Being content in staying and relaxing the day away, we took the dinghy to the Coecles Marina for some water, in both liquid and frozen molecular state……a commodity that we cannot live without! The day started peacefully enough, and then boaters of all kinds came in to anchor….some just for the afternoon/early evening hours to swim, and a few sailboats  that intended to linger along with us. We enjoyed a fantastic sea breeze all day,  and almost felt guilty just thinking of the soaring temperatures back home, affecting so many…..some still without electricity from Friday’s storm.
            There's a bird sanctuary across the way, making this anchorage so peaceful and serene.

These down times are so relaxing in every way.  Chores can be done at a leisurely pace, or not done at all! Reading is so enjoyable with a cool liquid refreshment at your side, and watching the activity of others swimming, taking dogs to the shore for you know what, and the occasional anchoring/re-anchoring that plagues even the best of sailors, but fun to watch anyway and hear their conversations being exchanged…….hmmm…..many a “couple” learn to cope through these situations!

I was treated to not one, but SEVEN fireworks’ displays (way off in the distance) throughout the surrounding inlet here, from just after 9 pm to almost 10. The breathtaking show was accented by lightening in the skies that only grew stronger and more laser-like as the nightfall set in upon us. Unbelievable display of nature and mankind together…..will never forget it.  It was only moments later, at the “final”  finale of the show that the rain came with gusty winds. Closing up the boat’s hatches and port windows has become effortless as the two of us go about it without even having to say anything!  Besides, many times this drill occurs in the middle of the night and you’re soooooo tired anyway you can’t speak!

                     This is the evening sunset, just before the fireworks show(s) and the thunderstorms. 
Motor-sailing to Block Island presently after lounging and enjoying coffee under the clear sunny sky in that lovely cove. It’s amazing to me the earliness of our day’s beginnings, almost as though the brightness of the early morning entices us to get on with our day! 

Just saw a working fishing boat, most probably pulling up his nets, and the number of seagulls surrounding him was astonishing! Such scavengers they are! Hope to catch this in a photo it was too amazing, just had to watch and be captivated by it all!

Unwelcomed flies have invaded our domain once again. Not sure the garlic is the answer! Thinking we need to get a second flyswatter (no, not another Tim!!) just in case this one bites (pun?) the dust…..oh my! What would we do without a swatter?  I did mention that these flies are hungry and do bite didn’t I?  The winds carry them offshore to anyone passing by in a pretty sailboat.  One lovely creature that did hitch a ride with us was a Monarch butterfly. Stayed for quite awhile “resting” on our dodger.

Well, we’ve made it to Block Island, and it’s nothing like the anchorages we’ve been spoiled with in the past.  Very crowded, and lots of powerboats speeding by with their water skiers and little tubing kids. A sight to see, just for this evening, because tomorrow we will refuel and head to Narragansett Bay for lovelier spots.

Hope this finds everyone well, having had a great 4th, and enjoying their summers…’s half over already!!

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