Monday, July 2, 2012

Port Washington to Port Jefferson

Spent a lovely weekend in Port Washington, on one of the Town’s free moorings, which is almost unheard of in these days and times. There are some marinas that will charge you a fee just to use their dinghy dock!  This surprised me, because on the Chesapeake Bay that’s not a common practice at all.  The stores are abundant here for all the provisioning you need, so we took advantage of that and made two runs in the dinghy.

We passed by Execution Rocks Lighthouse, in the middle of Long Island Sound, not too far from New Rochelle, NY.  It is rumored that the lighthouse’s site got its name before the Revolutionary War when the British executed prisoners by chaining them to the rocks at low tide, allowing the rising water to drown them. (No one knows how true that may be).

Have taken a picture of our sailing vessel to share with you, since you’ve seen the height of the mast already. She’s a lovely lady and sails so well in light wind. Today we were averaging 6 KTS. 

We’ve been blessed with lovely weather lately……a very brief rain shower last evening but by the time we closed the two hatches, and the eight port holes, the rain had ceased! Not even enough to empty the dinghy of rain water.

Will spend a quiet evening here at anchor, then head out tomorrow to Greenport, NY  at the Eastern end of Long Island.  There are storms forecast for tomorrow evening and Wednesday. It would be a long 10-12 hour day, but that’s ok, it’s good to keep moving onward to Maine.

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