Sunday, June 24, 2012

Atlantic City to Barnegat Bay Inlet

Preparing to leave this morning, so we took a cab to get some provisioning done. Left the marina slip after filling up our fresh water tanks (there are two, 38 gallon tanks), and emptying all the rain water out of our dinghy from the night before last. Guess who’s been assigned to be captain of the dinghy….you guessed it! We’ve named her Miss Daisy, since we drive her everywhere, not having our car along with us.
A quick swing by the fuel dock for diesel ($$$$) and a gallon of gas for the outboard. Now we’re off for the northern parts of NJ, however we’re taking it in 2 stages with the forecast of  thunderstorms later this evening.
The ocean carried us along on it’s gentle swells, and then the winds picked up, allowing us 6 hours of gorgeous sailing J (sailed along at a leisurely pace of 5-6 Knots.)
Having done the research regarding  the tides, currents and weather related factors, Tim timed it so the tide was as close to slack as possible for entering the narrow inlet of Barnegat Bay. He has in the past bypassed this area and continued north to Sandy Hook, NJ, which would have been a very long day for me. Extremely happy we are taking the trip in shorter segments. Why rush it? Slow going and enjoying the scenery of the local areas is much preferred by me. This is a time to get out of the rat race for a few months!
Gentle rain did occur after we had fallen asleep, which meant closing up the boat. It can get a little hot and close, but the temperatures are pleasantly in the 60’s, making sleeping comfortable.

                           Here's a picture of the Atlantic City coastline as we sailed away north
                                   This picture shows the Inlet entrance, from the ocean, to Barnegat Bay

And here's the sand dunes along the jetty wall with a white Heron watching us go by........
                          a little better look..........they are so graceful when they fly just above the water

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