Thursday, June 28, 2012

Leaving Barnegat Bay Inlet for Atlantic Highlands, NJ

First thing, I want to wish my big brother a very happy, Happy Birthday!!

 Yesterday was a very pleasant day, with bright blue skies and calmer weather, allowing us to do odd chores on the boat and prepare for tomorrow’s sail. The lighthouse was “beckoning”  to me, so into the dinghy we went for some sightseeing and ice cream of course!!
As the evening approached, the winds starting kicking up again, deterring our plans to light the barbie……the old reliable pasta pot came out to the rescue for our evening meal.
Further preparations for today’s departure, Tim took the sail cover off the main sail, hoisted the outboard motor up onto the stern’s railing and checked the tide charts. I, on the other hand, attended to things in the galley……..nothing really changes!!?? But this venture is all about team effort and working together!
Early this morning, awakened by an alarm, we made coffee, then I proceeded to take one photo after another of the gorgeous sunrise right over the BB  Lighthouse…..breathtaking!
         I'm in total awe of this beauty I have before me everyday while sipping coffee.....nature is     unbelievable to me.
The morning started with a lovely sail, once out of the Inlet. We have the company of two other sail boats that were anchored with us last evening, one ahead of us, and the other has chosen to sail closer to the shoreline. We, on the other hand, tend to sail a mile and a half out where there’s less “traffic” from the power boats……less rocking and rolling from their wake.  In the Chesapeake Bay it’s almost impossible to avoid their wake, since they come upon you so quickly and at such a speed.
Have been on the look-out for dolphins, and saw a few swimming out beyond the boat around 9:30, but too far away to video their feeding for any recognition. Besides, I’m so in awe of them that it’s impossible to stop and pick up the camera….positively selfish aren’t I? Oh, well!!
The day progressed with alternating hours of sailing and motor sailing…….and swatting at the pesky, hungry flies biting our legs. The fly swatter has become my best friend in harassing these little pests…….was it the warm winter that has brought them out in droves? 
We have anchored in Atlantic Highlands, NJ, the last bit of New Jersey shoreline for us til our return trip in September. From this anchorage you can see Staten Island with the Verrazano Narrows Bridge that leads to Brooklyn. Tomorrow will be THE exciting day for me going into NYC harbor, and seeing everything up close! Back in my old stomping grounds, having been born and raised along the Hudson River. Many a trip we took into the city on the Amtrak train to Grand Central Station.
This evening we will outfit the forward hatch and the main companion way with mosquito netting for a comfortable sleep, pesk-free!!

This is for the main companion way:

 And this netting covers the forward hatch, under which is the forward berth where we sleep
     And by the way this is where we make our coffee and meals. It's a 3 burner CNG (compressed natural gas) stove and oven. Haven't used the oven yet, maybe sometime I'll make some banana bread to go with our coffee. Who knows what will inspire me?

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