Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Port Jefferson to Coecles Harbor, NY

Last evening a tugboat came into the harbor and tied up to a BIG mooring. It was quite the sight to see with several small sailboats (and sailors) sailing around him, apparently having lessons in the art of racing.

Upon awakening this morning, much to our astonishment, An Cobh had been literally
 “s_ _ _”   upon by some very large flying creatures!  While Tim made the coffee and readied the boat for departure, I was found using bucketfuls of salt water to wash away their evidence.  My, afterwards the deck looked great if I may say so myself!
Carefully timing the comings and goings of local ferries, we headed on our way through the narrow entrance of this harbor.  We have a long day ahead of motoring so an early start was our desire, and even with the minor setback we were doing well.

Once underway we were once again barraged by those black, blood-thirsty flies. I became an avid google-searching maniac trying to find what to do about these pests.
Tim thought I was crazy when I came out of the galley with minced garlic in an open plastic container. I urged him to “try” the remedy with me and rub some on our lower legs, especially the ankles.  After several hours, I think it may be the solution we’ve been looking for, besides the fly swatter! (as long as we both wash it off at the end of the day).

As the day progressed we were both in agreement to seek shelter (pun) on the eastern shore of Shelter Island, about six miles southwest of Orient Point, rather than Greenport, as originally planned. This lovely harbor is called Coecles (pronounced cockels), and is very pristine and Maine-like in it’s beauty.  

And talking of beauty, there was a swan that greeted me this morning, and a pair of them this evening after we anchored.
This evening a pair of them!

What a lovely sight, a church situated on the point of Plum Island. Wondering the history on this……..more later if I find anything. At this point I noticed a riptide between Plum Island and Orient Point……rightfully called “Plum Gut”.

Here is the map of the area....Coecles is where we are....do you see us?
        Another view of the area, here on the "edge" of the Long Island Sound, getting very close to Block Island, in the Atlantic Ocean.

Refreshed after an afternoon dip, I emerged only to see some jelly fish surrounding the boat…….glad I didn’t see them first, not sure I would have gone in?!! Well, maybe!!

Will enjoy this area, perhaps even stay another day.......depends on how we feel in the morning!!

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