Monday, July 30, 2012

Week After the Wedding

 A week has passed…..more later why the delays in posting of this journal of mine.
Oh, the wedding of my son, and his lovely wife, was beautiful and it felt good to be back on land amongst family and friends. My older brother David flew in from Calgary even. Pictures of the ceremony will follow shortly.  But you can imagine my little Miss Viva was stunning in her white gown carrying a basket of rose petals! What a love! She made me cry with delight to see how grown-up a 3 year old can be. Was able to spend a great deal of time in her presence and I loaned her my camera to take pictures, so I have very few of her.  Driving down to the rehearsal on Friday afternoon, she’s sitting in her car seat and asked: “Nana do you have my music?” Hmmmm……. hadn’t a clue! Steph didn’t tell me about special requests from her :)

                                                 The happy couple 24 hours before the big day!

Now it’s a week later, July 28th and not much further than where we were before the wedding……the gusty winds and thunderstorms were not allowing us any slack. We did manage to leave the Narragansett Sound Friday morning, and now we’re in S. Dartmouth, MA, a mere 11 miles from Cuddyhunk Island. As you know, we’ve been there and done that already, but it remains one of my favorite spots…..more people living there during the summer than the year round population!  My kind of place for peace and quiet and relaxation.
Leaving the Newport area yesterday I did notice some lovely summer “cottages”!! Oh, the lifestyle of the rich and famous. I would settle for the “poolside” cabana, with a view of the water and a glass of white wine in my hands! 

                                                                 A typical Newport "cottage"

As some of you know already (forgive me for repeating myself) and others can imagine, I’m rather numb at the moment. The trip isn’t going as planned. We were literally stranded in the Narragansett Sound area for days on end with very gusty winds and thunderstorms holding us attached to moorings.  I’m saddened by all of this Nature stuff that we have no control over. In a nutshell it means we will most likely (actually very likely) not be able to sail to Maine at all. Probably make it as far as the Boston/New Hampshire vicinity.  So as you’ve noticed the blog has taken a backseat. There are many days when I can’t get an internet signal and so the blog “sits” on a word document waiting for pictures to be added and then published……..all internet dependent you know. And then there are times I can’t write while we’re sailing because it’s too rough/windy/blowing/water spraying over the bow. By the time we get in, I’m exhausted and wanting to unwind with a book or card game or listen to some music or enjoy a glass of wine. And then laundry and showering and provisioning call…’s actually pretty busy being a “live-aboard”. And with all of this weather around me, my circadian rhythm has become one of going to bed when it’s dark and rising with the daylight.  The days do fly by!

Spent an evening on a mooring at the New Bedford Yacht Club (known as S. Dartmouth and Padanaram.....don't ask me why!!) this past Saturday. Amazingly they offer a free “launch” from your sailboat to the marina and back, so you don’t even have to put the outboard engine on the dinghy…..not difficult but becomes just another “thing” to do in order to get ashore and explore the little villages/towns after a long day on the water.  But I think it’s imperative to get on dry land and revitalize yourself by walking and interacting with other homo sapiens. We went exploring for an hour, and by my good fortune they had a street fair in progress. The gods are good!  Although our plans to go ashore for a nice dinner later  were “dampened” by some other gods who felt we hadn’t had enough of the rain dance scenarios.  A pleasant hot meal onboard warmed up both the main cabin and us…….and by candle light no less. Tomorrow’s another day so they say.

                              (This actually is another Launch boat from the Jamestown, RI area)

         We had been in S. Dartmouth, but they refer to it as "Padanaram", just south of New    Bedford; now hope to head through the Cape Cod Canal later today, Monday.

Now here it is Monday morning, the 30th of July and I was awakened by a beautiful ray of sunshine pouring through the v-berth hatch. Could this really be? It ‘twas, and it felt sooooo good to see…..even the  birds came back chirping . Everyone’s spirits are alive and well! 
Just last evening we considered the possibility of turning around and sailing back to the Chesapeake Bay and forgoing the pounding of the winds against us coming from the north. But alas, we are heading north still, and hope to make Plymouth, MA later today. Wanted to get as far as Onset yesterday but the seas would not relent! Sooooooo, our course is going to be a long one today if we hope to make any progress in this northward bound venture. (It still is an adventure isn’t it? I keep telling myself that!)
We are leaving the little town of Mattapoisett in Buzzards Bay, as I write. Hope to get some pictures added to this and post it for you all……so off the word doc for the time being. 

Until later............

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